Thursday, June 13, 2024

Where to find my new column, subscribe to my newsletter, and buy Honeymoon at Sea

 The multiple award-winning Honeymoon at Sea: How I Found Myself Living on a Small Boat is available at and on Amazon, of course, but you can also buy the book at your local indie bookstore—ask for it by name! It is distributed by Ingram so any bookseller can get it quickly and easily.

I am writing a Substack newsletter, also called "Honeymoon at Sea" that will be delivered directly to subscribers inboxes for free, or you can visit the page directly by clicking the link above. Subscribe for free to stay up with our travels, my latest interviews and talks, plus links to cool sites, books, and authors. 

I am now the travel columnist for Womancake Magazine, also on Substack. Here is the link to my first column for them.

Please subscribe and follow along!

Monday, March 25, 2024

Spring has Sprung; I'm Still Blogging on Substack

 Happy Spring and thanks for finding me here. Feel free to check out the links to my testimonials here, along with some history about me, what I do for writers and a bit about who I am and my travels, plus how to get in touch with me via email.

If you are interested in my blog/newsletter, click here to find me on Substack. I hope you'll subscribe and virtually come along this summer as we sail Watchfire up to and cruise around the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. You can also follow my adventures in marketing my new memoir, Honeymoon at Sea: How I Found Myself Living on a Small Boat

See you on Substack or on social media! 

Find me on Facebook 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year—See you on Substack!

 Here is the link to my Substack newsletter and site, Honeymoon at Sea, where you can read all the archived posts from this website, plus see new posts each week. 

It is free to subscribe, so I hope you will join me there, so I can welcome you aboard on this new voyage!

Monday, November 20, 2023

SO Much to be Thankful For—Especially You!

 This has been a wild and wonderful year, and it is becoming more and more clear to me each day how much I owe to all of my followers and friends—not in that order!

I hope you will join me over at my Honeymoon at Sea Substack site and subscribe to my free newsletter so we can continue the conversation we began in 2010 when this eclectic monthly blog of mine began. 

I hate to have this site simply forward to my Substack, as this site has such history for me, not to mention being a quick way to get in touch with me and learn more about me, my work, and my editing clients.

So, for now, I will keep them both alive and kicking, and try to remember to come on once in a while and say hi to the JennyRedbug faithful, and of course, say thank you for coming along with me on this wonderful journey of life, books, and writing.

If you haven't already seen the excellent reviews that my memoir is getting, please jump over to the book's Amazon page here and check them out. My friends all have a way with words, so these 5-star reviews read like poetry.

Here's hoping you all have a wonderful holiday season and that we get a chance to meet up in person very soon in the new year. I'll be posting my upcoming events on my Substack page as well as here, as we get closer to the start of my Southern California Book Tour.

hasta pronto!

Monday, September 25, 2023

Honeymoon at Sea is Launched; the Reviews are Starting to Come in

Hola and Ahoy! 

My memoir Honeymoon at Sea: How I Found Myself Living on a Small Boat is out from Re:books of Toronto and there's plenty of buzz.

 Check out this excellent review written by Joel Dennstedt on the Medium platform. 

There are also plenty of editorial reviews on the book's Amazon page and some reader reviews are coming in, too. 

Follow my book marketing journey, including links to the podcasts and interviews I have done so far on my Substack page Honeymoon at Sea—it is free to join!

I hope to see you on my Substack page or meet you at a conference or a book talk in the near future.

hasta pronto!