The film "Creation" premiered here last night at the San Diego Natural History Museum--playing to an appreciative full house (including the Redbugs). Based on the book,
by Randal Keynes, the story was one that is familiar to many by now, but the movie was much more than the usual bio-pic. It was about the struggle between change and the status quo; about how people, and societies, try to squelch new thought in favor of old dogma. Couldn't be more timely. Now we're looking forward to seeing the Museum's
Darwin Exhibit --it's only here for a couple more weeks.
The SCWC begins today, as mentioned in the previous post--tonight is the meet and greet Happy Hour and tomorrow will be chock-full of meetings and sessions, so I'm reading the last of my advance submissions today. Speaking of writers conferences, I ran into my old friend Antoinette Kuritz online the other day--she runs the
La Jolla Writers Conference which gets great press, too. I have yet to appear at that event--so maybe this is the year.
Just started reading Barbara Kingsolver's much-recommended-to-me
The Lacuna
and I can already tell I'm going to love it. On an early page this line followed a description of the Mexican town's plaza at night: "The little cathedral looked taller than it was, and menacing, like a person who comes into the bedroom carrying a candle." What's not to love in that kind of writing?
Hasta pronto!